Business Writing


Writing is a key method of communication for most people, and it's one that many people struggle with. Writing and communication skills have degraded with more and more people communicating through email and text messaging. Developing writing skills is still important is the business world as creating proper documents (such as proposals, reports, and agendas), giving you that extra edge in the workplace. 
The Business Writing workshop will give your participants a refresher on basic writing concepts (such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation), and an overview of the most common business documents. These basic skills will provide your participates with that extra benefit in the business world that a lot of people are losing.
Learn how to 
Gain better awareness of common spelling and grammar issues in business writing.
Review basic concepts in sentence and paragraph construction.
Know the basic structure of agendas, email messages, business letters, business proposals, and business reports.
Know tips and techniques to use when deciding the most appropriate format to use for agendas, email messages, business letters, business proposals, and business reports.
Know tips and techniques in writing agendas, email messages, business letters, business proposals, and business reports.
Gain an overview of Request for Proposals, Projections, Executive Summaries, and Business Cases.
Define proofreading and understand techniques in improving proofreading skills.
Define peer review and list ways peer review can help improve business writing skills.
List guidelines in printing and publishing business writing.
Our courses are designed with quality content. The exams at the end of each section are to test your knowledge and adds to your participation in the course. The exams are checked and marked by National Skills Qualified Trainers. A certificate is issued within 24 hrs on completion of each course.
The National Skills is an online professional development program that will provide you with specialist training in the field of Personal / Professional Development.
No due dates
Multiple choice 
Multiple tries
To view the course fees and payment options for this program, please click here.
Become fully trained and improve your employment opportunities
Study online via our LMS;
Written by industry experts;
Interactive simulations for many programs;
All content provided online;
Easy to understand course content;
Certificate issued for your CV and emailed to your inbox. 
Enrolment Process
The National Skills website offers course outlines, units, course fees and other information. Select your course and click Add to Cart. Finalise your payment and start immediately online.