National Skills Refund Policy
National Skills operates predominately as a ‘fee for service’ training business. This means all training programs attract fees. All fees will be paid at or prior to the commencement of training unless prior arrangements are made with National Skills management.
National Skills will not collect more than $1500 in advance. Where less than $1,500 is collected prior to the commencement of training or where the total course fee is less than $1,500, a fee protection process is not required. These fees are paid by/charged to the student, a government agency or the student’s employer.
If, at some time in the future National Skills collects more than $1500 in advance, National Skills will observe the requirements of Schedule 6 of the Standards for RTOs 2015. This schedule outlines requirements for protecting fees prepaid by individual students or prospective students for services. One of the requirements of Schedule 6 requires the RTO to be a member of a recognised Tuition Assurance Scheme.
At this time National Skills is not a member of a Tuition Assurance Scheme. If, at some time in the future National Skills is required to become a member of a Tuition Assurance Scheme it will join the scheme managed by the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET).
Fee information is available via the National Skills website and by direct email from National Skills
Each of these information streams clearly identifies all fees and charges, including optional charges such as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) fees, and will be updated regularly so that both National Skills and our clients will be protected.
National Skills will provide the following fee information, to each student:
The total amount of all fees including course fees, administration fees, materials fees and any other charges;
Payment terms, including the timing and amount of fees to be paid and any non-refundable deposit/administration fee;
The nature of the guarantee given by the RTO to complete the training and / or assessment once the student has commenced study in their chosen qualification or course;
The fees and charges for additional services, including such items as issuance of a replacement qualification testamur and the options available to students who are deemed not yet competent on completion of training and assessment; and
The RTO’s refund policy.
Total course fee
Each qualification, unit of competency or accredited course offered by National Skills has a specific course fee. The course fee is the maximum fee that may be charged to the student for his/her selected training program.
It is National Skills policy that the course fee will be all-inclusive. Students will not be 'surprised' by unexpected requirements, fees or expenses.
Where additional resources normally associated with a program of study are required (for example; reference material, research documents, own computer) the student will be clearly advised of exactly what is required in the student study guide for that program.
Payment required in advance
A deposit is required from each student. This is outlined in the fee schedule.
Withdrawal fee
No withdrawal fee is applicable
Re-submit fee
No re-submit fee applies.
Re-assessment fee
No re-assessment fee applies.
Produce partial completion statement of attainment
No fee will apply to produce a statement of attainment when the student has partially completed the training program and must withdraw.
Re-print certification
Where the student requests a new copy of his / her certification, the following fees apply:
Details of National Skills fee structure are included in the National Skills student handbook.
Cash payment
On receipt of cash payment, a receipt will be written and issued. The receipt will include, but is not limited to; the amount paid, the date of receipt and the purpose of receipt generation. This payment is then to be entered into deposit books for the No 1 account (operating account) and the cash banked immediately.
In the event of a payment being made prior to the commencement of the course, the deposit register is used to record the payment and a receipt written and issued. This payment is then to be entered into deposit books for the No 2 account (deposits account) and the cash banked immediately.
Cheque or money order
On receipt of a cheque or money order, a receipt will be written and issued. The receipt will include, but is not limited to the amount, the date of receipt and the purpose of receipt generation. The person writing the receipt should include the word; ‘cheque’ or ‘money order’ as applicable on the receipt.
In the event of a payment being made prior to the commencement of the course, the deposit register is used to record the payment and a receipt written and issued. This payment is then to be entered into deposit books for the No 2 account (deposits account) and banked immediately.
Payments for invoices
Invoice payments will normally be received via Australia Post or by electronic transfer. Remittance advices received notifying of electronic funds transfer should be verified before assuming that the payment has been received. Once received, all payments and associated details are to be reconciled. National Skills utilises Xero online accounting software.
Clause 3
National Skills will protect fees paid in advance and has a fair and reasonable refund policy.
Information provided prior to enrolment or the commencement of training and assessment, whichever comes first, specifies the student’s rights as a consumer, including but not limited to any statutory cooling-off period (where applicable) and the student’s right to obtain a refund for services not provided by the National Skills in the event the:
An application for a refund is addressed according to the notice given by the person making the request:
National Skills will protect fees paid in advance and has a fair and reasonable refund policy.
An application for a refund is addressed according to the notice given by the person making the request:
It is the intention of the General Manager of National Skills that all students will receive the full training services paid for at all times, including but not limited to training and assessment, assessment only, recognition of prior learning or short courses. The corporate structure, governance and financial management systems and processes guarantee the training for students enrolled with National Skills. Specifically, the integrity, business experience and training expertise of the General Manager ensure continuity of training and completion of training is guaranteed for all students. The continuous improvement and quality management practices employed by National Skills, General Manager and staff are designed to proactively identify any anomaly that might cause a business interruption or training failure, and address this situation before any students are affected.
Protecting fees prepaid by individual students
Student’s training is further protected by National Skills financial management policy and procedure. Fees paid in advance are not transferred to the operating account until training commences.
Furthermore, should an interruption occur while a student is enrolled in a training program, the student will be advised of any changes in writing and given time to respond. The student will be given the opportunity to respond, agree or offer input.
Protecting students that do not prepay in advance
Where fees are not collected in advance from individual students i.e. invoice in arrears, National Skills will send each client/student an invoice after training is completed.
Protecting students where course fees are less than $1500
The corporate structure, governance and financial management systems and processes guarantee the training for students enrolled with National Skills. Specifically, the integrity, business experience and training expertise of the General Manager ensure continuity of training and completion of training is guaranteed for all students.
Student’s training is further protected by National Skills’s financial management policy and procedure. Fees paid in advance are not transferred to the operating account until training commences.
Third Party Training
Where applicable, National Skills’s Training Guarantee extends to training partners and training conducted by a third party on behalf of the RTO. At this time, National Skills does not engage third parties.
Should National Skills cancel a course for any reason, students enrolled at the time National Skills announces the cancellation will be entitled to a full refund, and this will incur no administrative charges or penalties.
National Skills will also assist the student in finding a placement with another RTO offering the same qualification.
National Skills will send all student records to ASQA so they will be accessible.
Inability to provide units
Should National Skills be unable to provide all units to meet the student’s course completion schedule, the following will apply:
Withdrawal prior to unit or module commencement
If a candidate withdraws from a course before the commencement of the course, full refund of the fees will be made, however a cancellation fee of 15% of full course fees will be withheld to cover administration costs.
Withdrawal during course or program
Cancellations by students that have commenced their course, will not be entitled to a refund. Statement of Attainment/s will be issued for any units that have been satisfactorily completed.
Withdrawal due to illness or hardship
In the case of a participant who withdrew from a course or program due to illness or extreme hardship prior to starting, National Skills may, at its discretion, allow a refund of the fees. The following conditions apply: