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Phone 1300 417 006
Suite 245 4/16-18 Beenleigh-Redland Bay Rd
Short Courses
BSBESB402 - Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures
CPCCCA3025 - Read and interpret plans, specifications and drawings for carpentry work
CPCCCM3003 - Work safely around electrical sources, services and assets
CPCCPD3033 - Apply intumescent coatings
CPCSIL3001 - Work with products and materials containing crystalline silica
Site Supervisor
QBCC Site Supervisor - Low Rise
QBCC Site Supervisor - Medium Rise
QBCC Site Supervisor - Open
QBCC Builder - Project Management Services
Certificate I and II
CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction
CPC20120 Certificate II in Construction
CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways
CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways (Remote Area Building)
Certificate III
CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
CPC30320 Certificate III in Concreting
CPC31420 Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing
CPC33020 Certificate III in Bricklaying and Blocklaying
CPC30620 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
CPC31020 Certificate III in Solid Plastering
CPC31120 Certificate III in Steelfixing
CPC30120 Certificate III in Shopfitting
CPC31220 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining
CPC31320 Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling
CPC32620 Certificate III in Roof Plumbing
CPC30820 Certificate III in Roof Tiling
Certificate IV
CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support (Contract Administrator)
CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support (Estimator)
Diploma / Advanced Diploma
CPC50220 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
CPC60220 Advanced Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
Building Design
CPP40121 Certificate IV in Residential Drafting
CPP50921 Diploma of Building Design
CPP60421 Advanced Diploma of Building Design
AHC21621 Certificate II in Landscaping
AHC30921 Certificate III in Landscape Construction
Work Health & Safety
White Card
CPCCWHS1001 - Prepare to work safely in the construction industry
BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
BSBESB402 - Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Records and Information Management)
BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
CPP30321 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations
SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel
SIT40122 Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology (Kitchens and Bathrooms)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Carpet)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Resilient)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Polished concrete)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Resin)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Timber)
MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
MEM31922 Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade
MSM30216 Certificate III in Surface Preparation and Coating Application
MSM31022 Certificate III in Recreational Vehicle Service and Repair
MSM31122 Certificate III in Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing
MSF50222 Diploma of Interior Design
Swimming Pools and Spa
CPP31218 Certificate III in Swimming Pool and Spa Service
CPC40820 Certificate IV in Swimming Pool and Spa Building
MEM30719 Certificate III in Marine Craft Construction
MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology (Marine Cabinetry)
CPP20521 Certificate II in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing
QBCC Passive Fire (Contractor/Nominee Supervisor)
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire Doors and Fire Shutters
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire Collars, Fire-rated Penetrations and Fire-rated Joint Sealing
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire and Smoke Walls and Fire-rated Ceilings
QBCC Install and maintain (all 3)
QBCC Passive Fire (Employee/Site Supervisor)
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire Doors and Fire Shutters (Occupational)
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire Collars, Fire-rated Penetrations and Fire-rated Joint Sealing (Occupational)
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire and Smoke Walls and Fire-rated Ceilings (Occupational)
QBCC Install and maintain - Occupational (all 3)
CPC50520 Diploma of Fire Systems Design
RIIMPO318F - Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operations
RIIMPO320F - Conduct civil construction excavator operations
Professional Development
PD Short Courses
State Licencing
Enrolment type for CPC30820 Certificate III in Roof Tiling
Full course
Pre-enrolment questionnaire
Where are you studying from?
Outside Australia
Select a qualification
AHC21621 Certificate II in Landscaping
AHC30921 Certificate III in Landscape Construction
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Records and Information Management)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration)
BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction
CPC20120 Certificate II in Construction
CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways (Remote Area Building)
CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways
CPC30120 Certificate III in Shopfitting
CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
CPC30320 Certificate III in Concreting
CPC30620 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
CPC30820 Certificate III in Roof Tiling
CPC31020 Certificate III in Solid Plastering
CPC31120 Certificate III in Steelfixing
CPC31220 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining
CPC31320 Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling
CPC31420 Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing
CPC32620 Certificate III in Roof Plumbing
CPC33020 Certificate III in Bricklaying and Blocklaying
CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support (Estimator)
CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support (Contract Administrator)
CPC40820 Certificate IV in Swimming Pool and Spa Building
CPC50220 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
CPC50520 Diploma of Fire Systems Design
CPC60220 Advanced Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
CPP20521 Certificate II in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing
CPP30321 Certificate III in Cleaning Operations
CPP31218 Certificate III in Swimming Pool and Spa Service
CPP40121 Certificate IV in Residential Drafting
CPP50921 Diploma of Building Design
CPP60421 Advanced Diploma of Building Design
MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
MEM30719 Certificate III in Marine Craft Construction
MEM31922 Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade
MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology (Kitchens and Bathrooms)
MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology (Marine Cabinetry)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Polished concrete)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Timber)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Resin)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Resilient)
MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology (Carpet)
MSF50222 Diploma of Interior Design
MSM30216 Certificate III in Surface Preparation and Coating Application
MSM31022 Certificate III in Recreational Vehicle Service and Repair
MSM31122 Certificate III in Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing
SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel
SIT40122 Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
or Select a course
QBCC Site Supervisor - Low Rise
QBCC Site Supervisor - Medium Rise
QBCC Site Supervisor - Open
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire Doors and Fire Shutters (Occupational)
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire and Smoke Walls and Fire-rated Ceilings (Occupational)
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire Collars, Fire-rated Penetrations and Fire-rated Joint Sealing (Occupational)
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire and Smoke Walls and Fire-rated Ceilings
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire Collars, Fire-rated Penetrations and Fire-rated Joint Sealing
QBCC Install and Maintain – Fire Doors and Fire Shutters
White card date
If you are enrolling for the White Card course, select your preferred date
Tue 11 Mar - 1:00pm
Thu 13 Mar - 1:00pm
Tue 18 Mar - 1:00pm
Thu 20 Mar - 1:00pm
Tue 25 Mar - 1:00pm
Thu 27 Mar - 1:00pm
Tue 01 Apr - 1:00pm
Thu 03 Apr - 1:00pm
Tue 08 Apr - 1:00pm
Thu 10 Apr - 1:00pm
Tue 15 Apr - 1:00pm
Thu 17 Apr - 1:00pm
Tue 22 Apr - 1:00pm
Preferred date for the "White Card" course
Have you undertaken any study before? i.e. online; face to face; workplace?
If Yes, did you achieve a successful outcome?
Not applicable
How do you rate your computer skills out of 1 - 5 (1 Poor through to 5 Excellent)
- Select a value -
Do you have access to reliable internet and email?
To confirm your work/life/study balance will be met, have you discussed commencing a program with your partner, family, employer
Would you like to discuss any language, literacy or numeracy concerns you may have with National Skills?
Student Information
A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail.
First name
Date of birth
Residential Address
Building / property name
Street Number/lot details
Street name
Suburb / town
State / Province
Post code/Zip
Postal Address (If different from Residential Address)
Building / property name
Street Number/lot details
Street name
Suburb / town
State / Province
Post code/Zip
Contact Information
Home phone
Work phone
Mobile phone
Emergency contact
Emergency contact name
Relationship to student
E.g. "mother", "friend", "flatmate"
Required Information
Country of birth
Town of Birth
Proficiency in English
- Select a value -
Very well
Not well
Not at all
Indigenous status
- Select a value -
Torres Strait Islander
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Do you have any disabilities?
Mental illness
Acquired brain impairment
Medical condition
If other, please specify
Highest school level completed
- Select a value -
Did not go to school
Completed Year 8 or below
Completed Year 9 or equivalent
Completed Year 10 or equivalent
Completed Year 11 or equivalent
Completed Year 12 or equivalent
Prior qualifications
No previous qualifications
Certificate IV
Certificate III
Certificate II
Certificate I
Bachelor degree or higher degree level
Advanced diploma or associate degree level
Diploma level
Miscellaneous Education
Employment category / status
- Select a value -
Full time employee work
Part time employee work
Unemployed – seeking full time
Unemployed – seeking part time
Not employed – not seeking work
Self-employed not employing others
Unpaid work in a family business
Study reason
To get a job
To get a better job or promotion
To develop my existing business
It is a requirement of my job
I wanted extra skills for my job
To start my own business
To try for a different career
Centrelink number (CRN) (Australian Only)
(If applicable)
Job seeker number (Australian Only)
(If applicable)
How did you find out about National Skills?
How did you find out about National Skills
- Select a value -
Sales Representative (please select from team)
Trainer (please select from team)
National Skills
Word of mouth
Referred by other RTO
Onsite Worker
Other (please specify below)
- None -
Please specify
Photo ID Type
E.g. "Drivers License," "Aadhar card" or "Pan card"
Photo ID Number
Upload a copy of your photo ID
Files must be less than
200 MB
Allowed file types:
pdf jpg jpeg gif png doc docx tif tiff heic mp4
Privacy Statement & Student Declaration
I understand and agree that:
National Skills is required to submit data sourced from this enrolment form to the national VET administrative collection as a regulatory reporting requirement. The information contained on my enrolment form may be used by National Skills or the following third parties for administrative, regulatory and/or research purposes:
Employer - if I am enrolled in training paid by my employer.
Government departments and authorised agencies.
I also understand and agree that:
I have received access and read the National Skills Student Handbook. Refer
I agree to the Refund Policy which appears in the Student Handbook and understand that no refund of fees will be made after the commencement of the assessment/course, if applicable. Refer
I may receive a National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) student survey.
Do you give National Skills permission to email you as needed for the purposes of the course's conduct?
- Select a value -
Signer Name
Signer Title
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First name
Last name
Your phone number
Select Qualification
- Select -
BSBESB402 (small business course for contractors)
BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (Administration)
CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction
CPC20120 Certificate II in Construction
CPP20521 Certificate II in Fire Protection Inspection and Testing
AHC21616 Certificate II in Landscaping
AHC30916 Certificate III in Landscape Construction
CPP31218 Certificate III in Swimming Pool and Spa Service
MSF30818 Certificate III in Flooring Technology
MSF31113 Certificate III in Cabinet Making
CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
CPC33020 Certificate III in Bricklaying and Blocklaying
CPC30620 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
CPC31320 Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling
CPC30320 Certificate III in Concreting
CPC31120 Certificate III in Steelfixing
CPC31020 Certificate III in Solid Plastering
CPC31220 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining
CPC31420 Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing
CPC40120 Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Building)
CPC40320 Certificate IV in Building Project Support
MSF50218 Diploma of Interior Design
BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety
CPC50220 Diploma of Building and Construction (Building)
CPC60220 Advanced Diploma of Building and Construction (Management)
Fire doors and fire shutters
Fire collars, fire-rated penetrations and fire-rated joint sealing
Fire and smoke walls and ceilings
Fire-Install and maintain x all 3 Licence outcomes
Your message
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