National Skills
With a highly experienced team fronted by industry leaders and registered trainer/assessor. National Skills brings together a team of experienced, professional Trainers who are among the best in their fields. Their extensive experience and unique abilities will guide you through your training requirements to ensure you a successful outcome.
Delivering high quality training and assessment relies on the skills and knowledge of trainers and assessors. National Skills recognises that effective staff management is essential to the success of its operations and has prioritised policies to attract, develop and retain the highest quality staff and trainers.
Our trainers and assessors are well skilled in this area. Most of our senior trainers each have well over 35 years experience in the construction industry and have been providing training and assessment services for well over 15 years. Distance is no barrier when it comes to being qualified.
Recognition of Prior Learning means recognition of competencies currently held, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. These competencies may be attained through any combination of formal, non-formal or informal training and education, work experience or general life experience.
In order to grant RPL, the assessor must be confident that the student is currently competent against the endorsed industry or enterprise competency standards or outcomes specified in Australian Qualifications Framework accredited courses. The evidence may take a variety of forms and could include certification, references from past employers, testimonials from clients and work samples. The assessor must ensure that the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient.
National Skills appreciates the value of workplace and industry experience, and recognises that students will acquire vocational skills and knowledge from a variety of sources other than formal training. These skills are legitimate irrespective of how they were acquired and the RPL process is designed to provide validation of such relevant skills.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses an individual’s formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and / or partial or total completion of a VET qualification.
The recognition of prior learning (RPL) process will be offered to and explained to all relevant students. All students will have access to National Skills RPL policies which is contained in the National Skills student handbook and is available on request.
Students who believe they have already obtained current skills and knowledge that would otherwise be covered in the qualification/unit of competence for which they intend to study, should apply for RPL at the time of enrolment. The student’s skills and knowledge will be assessed and validated, and where appropriate, units of competency acknowledged and face-to-face training reduced.
So are you thinking about making a career change? Maybe further study? Did you know that you might be able to reduce the study time it takes to get your qualification and you can save money?
Remember recognition of prior learning (RPL) is all about the skills and knowledge you've collected through work and life experiences and then transferring them to current training course requirements. RPL must take place at the start of your training, apprenticeship or traineeship after enrolling with a registered training provider.
Use our DIY assessment to help you identify the existing skills and experiences you could have recognised against your selected course.
Credit transfer also recognises previous formal learning (e.g. university, other qualifications). It uses an assessment of your previous course to determine whether it can be credited to your new course. The assessment determines the extent to which your previous course is equivalent to the required learning outcomes of your desired qualification.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process used by RTOs to evaluate a person's skills, knowledge and experience gained through working and learning, in Australia or overseas, be it through life experience, work or other activities such as volunteering. RTOs can also provide a credit against units of competency, often shortening the time needed to undertake a qualification.
The four steps involved in receiving a qualification through National Skills RPL are:
The Certificate of Education is the state’s highest school qualification. There are 10 qualifications at tertiary level (post school education). These are recognised nationally.
The Australian Qualifications Framework sets out what a student should be able to do once they finish their course. This means expectations of graduates' skill levels are the same across the country.
For example, Certificate I should give students basic skills for work, further learning, and living in the community. A diploma should give graduates advanced skills in an area of work or learning (e.g. business, construction, information technology, hospitality).
How long it takes to finish a course will vary depending on your existing qualifications and experience, the course you choose and the way you study (e.g. full- or part-time). There is generally no set study time for vocational education and training courses (like certificates and diplomas). Students are awarded a qualification when they gain the required skills and knowledge.